The branch is in the midst of change. Whereas traditional brick and mortar sectors are registering barely any growth, the revenue within e-commerce has grown more than 18% per year (2013). New services and business models have evolved, which have a significant effect on logistics.
For this reason, BVL International (Bundesvereinigung Logistik) launched the study “Logistics in Retail and Wholesale - Structures, Success Factors, and Trends”. The experts from 4flow in cooperation with the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW Berlin) carried out the study.
Sound results from interviews with experts, surveys, and industry analyses
Within the scope of the study, 20 decision makers from retail and wholesale were interviewed extensively. The interviews identified, evaluated, and classified key performance indicators, areas of activity, success factors, and trends in logistics for wholesale and retail. The results formed the foundation for an online survey, in which over 50 experts from retail and wholesale were questioned in order to verify the results from the interviews and aid development.

Logistics facilitate commercial success
The results of “Logistics in Retail and Wholesale - Structures, Success Factors, and Trends” show that supply chain and logistics professionals can contribute to commercial success by using four effective characteristics for logistics and supply chains (logistics quality, flexibility, cost efficiency and process innovation).
Success factors, which can be managed using the above characteristics, lie within four areas:
- Logistics staff
- Information technology (IT) and logistics equipment
- Supply Chain Management
- Supply networks and the use of service providers
Concrete recommendations for logistics to strengthen company success through staff, organization, equipment and technology result from these success factors. The study, “Logistics in Retail and Wholesale - Structures, Success Factors, Trends” provides practitioners and academics insight into retail logistics and its contribution to success in the retail industry.
The complete study (in German) can be ordered from the DVV Media Group for €89. A summary of the study report in English (PDF) can be ordered here free of charge.